Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday, November 10th 2009

Family Feud

Jokers Wild


The Gong Show

CSI 9.24 - "All In" (2009)
Greed leads to murder and destroys the lives of five people when two of them discover a stash of old casino chips worth $1,000 each on the collectible market.

CSI 1.01 - "Pilot" (2000)
Gil Grissom is the supervisor of the graveyard shift of Las Vegas' elite crime scene investigators. Holly Gribbs, fresh out of the academy, joins the team. Jim Brass is head of the unit and is trying to scare Gribbs from CSI. Catherine Willows, mother of a young daughter, is the number two CSI on this shift. Warrick Brown and Nick Stokes are competing to solve their 100th case to earn a promotion to CSI 3. Grissom investigates a murder staged to look like a suicide with precious little evidence. Warrick and Catherine take the case of a drunk who breaks into the house where he had been staying and is shot to death. Nick talks to a man who picked up a woman who drugged and robbed him.

movie: "To Live And Die in L.A." (1985)
William Petersen, Willem Dafoe
A fearless Secret Service agent will stop at nothing to bring down the counterfeiter who killed his partner.

Without A Trace 6.06 - "Where And Why" (2007)
guest star; William Petersen
When a serial killer eludes capture in Nevada and escapes with his son to New York City, the crew picks up the trail with the help of Las Vegas CSI's Gil Grissom. Part two of a crossover with "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Nash Bridges 6.04 - "Land Pirates" (2000)
Nash investigates a series of robberies committed by an organized group targeting wealthy people. Joe seeks help in stopping a neighborhood speeder. Meanwhile Joe takes a side gig to find a missing cat on top of a gig Nash takes on to solve the mystery of a pregnant nun claiming immaculate conception.

CSI 9.24 - "All In" (2009)
Greed leads to murder and destroys the lives of five people when two of them discover a stash of old casino chips worth $1,000 each on the collectible market.

The A-Team 1.02 - "Mexican Slayride (2)" (1983)
The A-Team travels to Mexico, where they are searching for Al Massey, but their client wants to come with. With the military police on their tracks the A-Team has to take actions quickly.

WKRP in Cincinnati 3.22 - "Clean Up Radio Everywhere" (1981)
Dr. Bob Halyers, head of the organization Clean Up Radio Broadcasting (CURB), visits Mr. Carlson with a list of "obscene" songs that he wants the station to stop playing- or else.

Family Feud
(joined in progress)

Radio Simulcast
Democracy Now!

movie: "To Live And Die in L.A." (1985)
William Petersen, Willem Dafoe
A fearless Secret Service agent will stop at nothing to bring down the counterfeiter who killed his partner.

Radio Simulcast
The Great Canadian Talk Show /w Marty Gold

UFC 3: The American Dream
Sep 9, 1994, Charlotte, North Carolina
Steve Jennum d Harold Howard in finals of an 8 man tournament
Ken Sharmock and Royce Gracie were both eliminated in the semi-finals

WKRP in Cincinnati 3.22 - "Clean Up Radio Everywhere" (1981)
Dr. Bob Halyers, head of the organization Clean Up Radio Broadcasting (CURB), visits Mr. Carlson with a list of "obscene" songs that he wants the station to stop playing- or else.

UFC Countdown 3.13 ": UFC 105 " (2009)
Countdown to UFC 105

The West Wing 1.06 - "Mr. Willis of Ohio" (1999)
Toby and Mandy push for a commerce bill with a census-counting provision, with three votes as the deciding factor; Sam tutors C.J. on the finer points of the census; Zoey faces a potentially dangerous situation when she goes out for the evening.

Traders 1.02 - "Pennies From Heaven" (1996)
A Fire alarm causes the trading floor to evacuate. Marty demands everyone return to work in order to sell a large block of shares he just got, and fires all of those who don't return. This of course ends up skrewing him the next day when half of his employees don't show up for work. Sally is concerned that the SEC may uncover an impropriety at Gardner/Ross, now that her father is incarcerated. She orders Marty to cease any and all trades that might be considered immoral, or unethical, even though they are all legal. He refuses and demands she either fire him, or get off his floor. Jack leaks a news story to the paper that Gardner/Ross is about to announce a major buyout deal. He sets forth to earn his pay by organizing a buyout of a smaller company, on behalf of a larger company. The only problem is that he has neither a buyer, nor seller. With only 4 days to go before the target date he must convince the owner of a large airline company to buy a new upstart company that has created a revolutionary type of GPS System. Unfortunately the CEO is a big time recluse that won't speak to anyone. Jack finds Ayn Krywarik, Gardner/Ross' best broker, works with this elusive CEO nearly everyday. Ayn loses a bet, and agrees to introduce Jack. Adam begins negotiations with a British Lord regarding the privatization of the last part of British Rail. Adam conscripts D'Arby to accompany him to London for a meeting about the deal, which unfortunately falls through once they return. An old friend of Marty (Benny) asks for a job. Sally agrees to hire him, provided Marty discontinue his 'shadowy' trades. Jack is able to negotiate the deal with the eccentric CEO, afterwards, him and Anne share a celebratory kiss. Ayn puts the breaks on, announcing that "The aircraft has not come to a complete stop"

Happy Days 4.15 - "A Shot in the Dark" (1977)
Richie makes a lucky shot to win a basketball game and suddenly becomes a big hero.

Happy Days 8.17 - "Tall Story" (1981)
Chachi discovers a great basketball player who recently transferred to Jefferson High. However, he initially holds back when performing for Roger and, suddenly, changes his mind about being on the team when his father orders him home in the middle of a practice.

Without A Trace 6.06 - "Where And Why" (2007)
guest star; William Petersen
When a serial killer eludes capture in Nevada and escapes with his son to New York City, the crew picks up the trail with the help of Las Vegas CSI's Gil Grissom. Part two of a crossover with "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

The A-Team 1.02 - "Mexican Slayride (2)" (1983)
The A-Team travels to Mexico, where they are searching for Al Massey, but their client wants to come with. With the military police on their tracks the A-Team has to take actions quickly.

UFC 3: The American Dream
Sep 9, 1994, Charlotte, North Carolina
Steve Jennum d Harold Howard in finals of an 8 man tournament
Ken Sharmock and Royce Gracie were both eliminated in the semi-finals



The Gong Show

off the air


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