Thursday, January 21, 2010

Monday, January 18th 2010

Coach 5.03 - "Father of the Year" (1992)
Hayden hires Kelly's roommate to act as his daughter when Kelly refuses to attend his Father of the Year banquet.

Coach 5.04 - "Born Luther" (1992)
Luther complains to Hayden about the lack of recognition for his contribution to the team's success -- then must face the media when the team loses.

Coach 6.20 - "The Stand-In" (1994)
Fed up with trying to increase his fertility, Hayden looks into getting a sperm donor -- quarterback Troy Aikman.

Coach 6.24 - "Goodbye Mr. Putts" (1994)
The mens coaches square off against the womens coaches in a round of golf.

American Gladiators

Australian Gladiators

Movie: "Rumble in the Bronx" (1995)
Jackie Chan, Anita Mui
A young man visiting and helping his uncle in New York City finds himself forced to fight a street gang and the mob with his martial art skills.

Movie: "Wild Texas Wind" (1991) (TV)
Dolly Parton, Gary Bussey
Superstar singer-entertainer Dolly Parton stars in a dramatic role as a Texas Swing band singer caught in a violent, destructive relationship that leads to suspense and murder.

Coach 5.03 - "Father of the Year" (1992)

Knots Landing 4.04 - "Svengali" (1982)
Karen goes through the KLMotors books and finds checks to West Century Auto, Frank and Roy's company. Karen invests money in Richard's restaurant, because Laura is concerned that Richard is spending too much money. Karen is being followed. Kenny's boss won't let him make a demo with Ciji, so Kenny and Gary decide to make a demo with her on their own. Val's publicist, Bess Riker sends a messenger, Chip Roberts to drop off photos at Val's. He charms Val and Lilimae, and tells him he's a publicist. Back at the office, Bess tells Chip that if he thinks he's so hot he can be Val's publicist. Val appears on The Mike Douglas Show.

Radio Simulcast
Democracy Now!

Movie: "Rumble in the Bronx" (1995)
Jackie Chan, Anita Mui

Coach 5.04 - "Born Luther" (1992)

Radio Simulcast
The Great Canadian Talk Show /w Marty Gold

Slice of Life - Shawn O'Sullivan (retired boxer)

Miami Vice 1.10 - "Give A Little, Take A Little" (1984)
In court, Crockett refuses to identify an informant and spends more time in jail than the drug dealer he is trying to bust. Gina and Trudy infiltrate a prostitution ring. Gina is placed in a compromising position when they are suspicious that she is not a hooker.

NFL Football Playoffs Jan 17th, 2010
New York Jets 17 @ 14 San Diego Charges

The Streets of San Fransisco 5.05 - "No Minor Vices" (1976)
The father of a 16-year-old girl murders her "johns" one by one, unbeknownst to her.

Mad Men 3.10 - "The Color Blue" (2009)
Sterling Cooper celebrates a big milestone. Elsewhere, Peggy competes with Paul for an account.

The West Wing 2.10 - "Noel" (2000)
Josh investigates the suicide of a pilot with whom he has things in common; Donna tries to get an invitation to the Congressional Christmas party to hear Yo-Yo Ma perform; Jed insists on signing a mountain of Christmas cards himself; after a White House visitor has a strange reaction to a painting, C.J. sets out to discover its provenance; following weeks of volatile behavior and an outburst in the Oval Office, Josh meets with representatives from the America Trauma Victims Association and finally deals with the trauma from his shooting.

Stingray 1.10 - "That Terrible Swift Sword" (1986)
When a series of brutal prostitute murders seem to follow a revival crusade around, Ray goes undercover as a minister and gets blamed for the latest murder.

Welcome Back Kotter 1.09 - "Mr. Kotter, Teacher" (1975)
Gabe's teaching theories in question, he is temporarily suspended. The Sweathogs, liable to lose their teacher, come to his defense.

Welcome Back Kotter 1.10 - "The Reunion" (1975)
Gabe is less than thrilled when an old too-perfect classmate, and his too-perfect wife, decide to pay him a visit.

NFL Football Playoffs Jan 17th, 2010
New York Jets 17 @ 14 San Diego Chargers


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